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Seastar Solutions Safe-t Quick-connect Rotary Steering System Ss137 12

Author   Comment gcmarshall Avatar / Picture Gold Level Member 3-2010
Posts: 428
Posted Reply with quote  #1

2 years ago when I got my E-tecs, my dealer installed Baystar hydraulic steering. Recently, the steering was acting up a bit - it would take like 5 turns to put in the right lock, and like 25 turns to get in the left lock. Not sure what this would be, but figured that the lines must have in air or something, so yesterday I went to run some hydraulic fluid through them, and the cylinder down by the engines, which has 2 three-way things that screw into it, broke off - in fact where it attaches to the bar has corroded badly - there must be some kind of interaction between the 2 compounds (sorry for the very poor explanation)

See for the picture - it is part # HC4645H  - the 2 pieces that screw on at the front (next to the gold piece) are what is corroding in the metal.

Anyhow, it does not look like it can be repaired, and I am wondering if I can interchange this cylinder with a more heavy duty seastar one, and keep the same helm and lines which came with the baystar kit?

torew Gold Level Member 3-2010
Posts: 2,145
Posted Reply with quote  #2

As you might have seen on another post, I am looking at SeaStar steering myself.
According to Teleflex you will void the guarantee if you mix BayStar and SeaStar, other than that I cannot see any problem BUT: You will need 6 turns against 5 today, if you choose a standard pivot mount cylinder. The standard SeaStar pitovt mount HC5345 has a larger bore than the BayStar, and therefore needs more oil. Your BayStar helm pumps 1,4 cu-in per rev, while the SeaStar helms have capacities up to 2,4
gcmarshall Avatar / Picture Gold Level Member 3-2010
Posts: 428
Posted Reply with quote  #3

Hey torew - saw your post, but didn't want to "steal" it.

I think I will give them a call....after all, if there is a warranty to void, maybe I can take advantage of that warranty in the first place! I don't think I should be having to replace a cylinder after 2 years because of corrosion.

Hey, 6 turns beats the 25 I am doing now! Thx for the info!

captainrichhill Avatar / Picture Registered:
Posts: 16
Posted Reply with quote  #4

Hey guys I was thinking of installing the Bay Star myself.  Is it a straight forward install or is it better to let the "stealer" do it?

Blackpig Avatar / Picture Registered:
Posts: 1,042
Posted Reply with quote  #5

I have the Seastar & although it was fitted by the "Stealer" I have since had to re-route the hoses & fit an autopilot.  It's all pretty straightforward to anyone with basic mechanical ability.  Knowing what I know now I would do it myself.  The instructions are pretty idiot proof  (that is until someone develops a better class of idiot)


Ribcraft 6.4m RIB
E115DPXSC 05229348
E115DCXSC 05217600
Yorkshire England

jimh Registered:
Posts: 6,859
Posted Reply with quote  #6

Bleeding air from the hydraulic steering system can be a bit tedious and also expensive. The OEM hydraulic fluid is $20/quart, and typically in the bleed process you do not re-use any fluid that is bled off. You can easily waste a quart, or two.

EV-Diagnostic cables are currently SOLD OUT.
Blackpig Avatar / Picture Registered:
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Posted Reply with quote  #7

Any oil that you bleed out during the filling / purging can be saved & re-used, as long as its filtered into a clean container.


Ribcraft 6.4m RIB
E115DPXSC 05229348
E115DCXSC 05217600
Yorkshire England

jimh Registered:
Posts: 6,859
Posted Reply with quote  #8

On a completely new installation, where all the fluid in the system is new, I agree with the notion of being able to re-use hydraulic fluid that was carefully captured in the bleeding, as long as the method used was careful to avoid contaminating the fluid. On an existing system, where there is fluid in place, I would not be inclined to re-use the fluid that was already in a system. It might be 20-years old and have degraded with age.

I have had the hydraulic steering apart on my boat three times in the last 12-months. The last time in closing up the system and bleeding air, my dealer used a special power-bleeder from SeaStar to bleed the system. This worked extremely well. It took much less time, and there appears to be no trace of air in the system (based on how little play there is in the steering action).

EV-Diagnostic cables are currently SOLD OUT.

Seastar Solutions Safe-t Quick-connect Rotary Steering System Ss137 12
